New topic: Carbohydrate counting and insulin injection dose adjustment

Carbohydrate counting and insulin injection dose adjustment has just been launched. This is a topic for the Diabetes Specialist level and above and therefore will not be visible to users registered at the Core and Intermediate CDEP levels.

This topic makes use of Carbs & Cals images and CDEP would like to thank them for their kind support.

The competences are based on the patient-facing questionnaire developed by Chris Cheyette (Kings College) and Jacqueline Ryder (Bournemouth). This questionnaire and its memorandum can be found in the CDEP resource library should you wish to use it with your patients.

Successfully demonstrating CDEP diabetes competencies does not provide a healthcare practitioner with the license to practice outside their professional scope of practice or outside the remit their employer has empowered them to undertake.
