New resource level allocated to all resources in the CDEP library

Our resource library is now very extensive and continues to grow daily. We have therefore tried to make it easier for you by grading the resources according to the CDEP registration level you would have registered yourself against when you created your account.

CDEP registrations levels are:

1 = Core (minimum level for working with people living with diabetes)

2 = Intermediate (roles that have regular contact with people living with diabetes)

3 = Diabetes specialist (roles that directly support people managing their diabetes)

4 = Diabetes expert (roles that intensively support complex patients with diabetes)

5 = Diabetes consultant (roles that are responsible for managing a specialist caseload as well as leading service design, workforce planning, business case development, etc)

Therefore core resources are great for a brief explanation of the subject or a nice patient resource that you could direct people living with diabetes to. As the levels increase, so does the detail and depth of the resource. This does not mean that a diabetes specialist resource may not be of interest to someone at intermediate level or visa versa. However it does mean that we would expect that level of understanding as a MINIMUM for the corresponding CDEP registration level.

All users, irrespective of their level will be shown all resources. However, only the corresponding competencies within a topic, according to the CDEP registration level, will be available to be undertaken.

If you feel you are on the wrong registration level, you can easily change your level in your 'my account' section of the CDEP website.
