CDEP and Diabetes 10 Point Training win QiC Diabetes Award 2023

Improving Safety at Scale via Concise and Impactful Diabetes Training Across Health and Social Care

by Ruth Miller, Independent Diabetes Nurse Consultant and CDEP

A workforce that understands diabetes is fundamental to safe care. Staff across all health and social sectors share the responsibility to prevent harm. People with diabetes are living longer, many with multiple co-morbidities and increasingly complex treatments. Yet diabetes is routinely managed by grassroots staff in a variety of settings, many lacking access to training. Joining up knowledge across all sectors is essential to safe care, enhancing cross-organisational communication, care integration and patient outcomes. The Diabetes 10 Point Training offers focused, relevant training for hospital staff, mental health workers, community nursing teams, adult social care workers and community support workers.

Judges' comments:

"The Independent Diabetes Nurse Consultant has produced an impressive and well-executed programme targeting particularly at-risk individuals. It was clear that the patients were at the heart of this project, which the judges thought came out very strongly throughout the whole process. The objectives were smart, the results section clear, and the dissemination clever. An overall excellent project that can, and should be, translated to wider use."
